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Pages: 106-121
Authors: Edina Horváth, Zsuzsanna Máté, Péter Pusztai, András Sápi, Zoltán Kónya, Edit Paulik and András Papp

Lead (Pb) is, due to past and present uses, an abundant neurotoxic xenobiotic. Population-level exposure is typically oral while occupational exposure is frequently by inhalation of metal fumes. To replicate exposure from these sources in rats, the animals were treated orally with Pb acetate (80 and 320 mg /kg b.w.) for 3 or 6 weeks, followed by intratracheal (it.) application of PbO nanoparticles (2 mg/kg b.w.) for another 3 or 6 weeks. Parallel controls were vehicle treated. During the 3, 6 or 12 weeks of treatment, body weight gain was daily observed. The effect of oral Pb on that was slight but nanoparticles applied it. caused a marked drop in weight gain. Open field motility test at the end of treatment showed decreased rearing but increased ambulation and local activity. Finally, somatosensory cortical evoked potentials were recorded from the rats. Evoked potentials showed increased latency; where the increase, together with certain open field changes, was in significant linear relationship with brain Pb levels. Comparison to the applied doses showed that nanoparticulate Pb, administered it., caused disproportionately strong brain Pb level increase, and, consequently, strong open field and electrophysiological alterations. The results underlined the importance of the physicochemical form of Pb in its toxicity and the extra risk from complex, oral and inhaled, exposure.

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Download this file (6.cikk2019I_[1].pdf)Horváth – Nervous 2021-10-08
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